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How to prepare well for exams? - Tips & Tricks

 Exams are an integral part of many educational systems that test the knowledge and skill of students. The goal of an examination is to evaluate a person's grasp and understanding of the subject.

Here are some tips that will help you score high in exams.

1. Find out the topics for the exam

2. Prepare a study plan and stick to it.

3. Get adequate sleep and eat right

The benefits of sleep are not just enough to help us stay healthy but also to increase productivity. The sleep cycle has four stages: the first one is a period of light sleep, the second one is a deep and restful sleep, the third one is rapid eye movement (REM) or dreaming stage and the fourth is a stage of light sleep again.

It has been shown that REM stage is very important because it affects how well people recall memories and it also helps process information. This means that not getting enough REM will make you feel tired during the day.

There are several ways in which you can improve your sleeping habits, for example by avoiding substances like caffeine after 2 pm and by making sure that your bedroom environment does not have any distractions like TV or laptop.

4. Avoid distractions/waste time on social media

Habits can serve as distractions for students while they are trying to study. As we know, a habit is a "fixed action pattern that is acquired through frequent repetition." One of the most common habits that students can form is procrastination. 

This is when they put off their work or other important tasks for later or find ways to put it off. Other examples of distracting habits include watching TV, playing video games and using social media.

5. Take breaks between studying

Taking breaks between studying is essential for retaining information. It also helps with memory recall so you can remember what you studied much easier.

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